David's Astronomy Pages
Notes - Session 746 (2020-01-26)

Bullet Session Aims & Highlights
 - Observing Result
 - Night Summary Plot
 - Session Event Log
Bullet Operational Issues
  - Critical Issues (0),  Major Issues (0),  Minor Issues (7),  Continuous Improvement (2)
Bullet Guiding Performance
Bullet Images from 2020-01-26  >>

Session Aims & Highlights (2020-01-26)

Main aims

  1. Testing: Test new features in AstroMain 3.20.1 including new GuideSumm and  Seeing Charts
  2. Targets: Acquire images of a number of deep sky objects

    Biurakan (or Byurakan) comes from the Armenian observatory (BAO).

Equipment & Software



Summary Plots & Logs

Observing Plan
Observing Result
Dome & Scope Slewing Performance
Slew/Centering Performance
Sky Conditions (Locate Frames)
Night Sky Summary Plot
Top axis: Sky Brightness at Zenith (in ADU/s)
Lefthand axis: Local Time (hh LT). Righthand axis: Sun Altitude (degs)
Pre-Session Weather Forecast (API data from darksky.net)
Forecast showed cloud (generally 100% cloud cover) for the whole night, with winds of 8-11 mph before midnight, increasing to 19-26 mph in latter part of night, with temperatures dipping to a low of 2degC, with low probability (19%) of a few rain drops around 06:00

In the event skies were moderately clear from 20:30 onwards, but with cloud intervals 23:45 and 02:00 and other shoirt intervals in latter part of night.
A few rain drops occurred between 04:30 and 04:55.  Winds were light in first part of night, picking up at 00:00 and strengthening from 03:30 onwards.
21:00 and 23:30, but became cloudy after midnight.   Mininum temperature of 0degC at 21:00 and 23:30 climbing later to 4degC
Observatory automatically closed at 23:55 , opening for brief intervals at 02:10, 03:15, 04:10 & 06:50 when cloud and wind conditions allowed
Session Event Log
Time     Event Detail
20:49:19 Session Created Live Session Created (2020-01-26 S00746, ImageSaveNum: 746001)
20:49:43   Scope Switched On Telescope power has been switched on via UPB Powerbox.
20:51:39   Obs.Manager Started Obs.Manager started
20:51:41   Obs.Overseer Started Obs.Overseer started
20:51:46   Services Started Observatory Services started
20:52:17 Observatory (Auto) Observatory placed in Fully-Automated Mode
20:52:22 Session Pending Session pending (2020-01-26)
20:52:24 Session Initiating Session initiating (2020-01-26)
20:52:26   Plan Requested Observing Plan requested from AstroPlan (1.14)
20:53:11   Plan Loaded Observing Plan loaded to queue (2020-01-26 V1 BEST PLAN, Plan ID: 462)
20:53:25   Camera1 Connected SBIG Camera Connected (set point -25°C)
20:53:30   Telescope Connected Telescope Connected (TheSky6)
20:53:42 Session Equilibration Session ready for dome & camera equilibration
20:54:28   Shutter Opened Shutter opened (opening time 45s)
20:54:31   Equilibration Started Dome Equilibration started
21:01:23   Equilibration Ended Dome Equilibration ended (6.9 mins total)
21:01:26 Session Running Session running
21:01:28   Queue Started Observing Queue started (33 targets selected)
21:02:32       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
21:05:31       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 1)
21:05:34       Focusing Started Foc2 Focusing Started (Secondary Scope, using ShCap)
21:08:25       Focusing Failed Foc2 Focusing Failed - failed QC check (Quadratic)
21:08:27     Target Started (1/33) Target started (1/33, Basel 7)
21:11:14   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
21:14:51     Target Completed Target partially completed (1/33, Basel 7)
21:14:53   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
21:14:56 Session Suspended Session suspended
21:15:45   Shutter Closed Shutter closed (closing time 49s)
21:25:36 Session Resuming Session resuming
21:26:21   Shutter Opened Shutter opened (opening time 45s)
21:26:23 Session Running Session running
21:26:25   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
21:26:27     Target Started (2/33) Target started (2/33, Rose 5)
21:35:43     Target Completed Target partially completed (2/33, Rose 5)
21:35:45     Target Started (3/33) Target started (3/33, IC 410)
21:38:30       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
21:41:36       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 3)
21:47:46     Target Completed Target completed (3/33, IC 410)
21:58:07     Target Started (4/33) Target started (4/33, GCVS RR Tau)
22:01:20       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
22:03:40       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 4)
22:10:08     Target Completed Target completed (4/33, GCVS RR Tau)
22:10:10     Target Started (5/33) Target started (5/33, Biur 11)
22:12:19       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
22:14:42       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 5)
22:20:33     Target Completed Target completed (5/33, Biur 11)
22:21:11     Target Started (6/33) Target started (6/33, Biur 7)
22:23:18       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
22:25:33       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 6)
22:31:26     Target Completed Target completed (6/33, Biur 7)
22:33:12     Target Started (7/33) Target started (7/33, PLN 210+ 1.1)
22:34:35       Focusing Started Foc2 Focusing Started (Secondary Scope, using ShCap)
22:36:25       Focusing Completed Foc2 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 7)
22:37:13       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
22:39:36       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 8)
22:49:57     Target Completed Target completed (7/33, PLN 210+ 1.1)
22:49:59     Target Started (8/33) Target started (8/33, Biur 9)
22:51:48       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
22:54:23       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 9)
23:00:00     Target Completed Target completed (8/33, Biur 9)
23:01:29     Target Started (9/33) Target started (9/33, NGC 2339)
23:03:09       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
23:05:45       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 10)
23:21:33     Target Completed Target completed (9/33, NGC 2339)
23:23:51     Target Started (10/33) Target started (10/33, GCVS CM Tau)
23:24:37     Target Aborted (10/33) Target aborted (10/33, GCVS CM Tau) due to Prority 1 ToO Target
23:24:39     Target Started (11/34) Target started (11/34, M100)
23:45:10     Target Completed Target completed (11/34, M100)
23:45:12     Target Started (12/34) Target started (12/34, Biur 13)
23:47:09   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
23:47:52       Focusing Failed Foc1 Focusing Failed - star is too dim (TCF-S)
23:55:30     Target Completed Target completed (12/34, Biur 13)
23:55:32   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
23:55:35 Session Suspended Session suspended
23:56:25   Shutter Closed Shutter closed (closing time 49s)
00:15:17     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (13/34, Scholz's Star) due to cloud
00:27:50     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (14/34, GCVS DX Cnc) due to cloud
00:36:53     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (15/34, GCVS SY Cnc) due to cloud
00:57:00     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (16/34, Rose 1) due to cloud
01:19:22     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (17/34, Rose 3) due to cloud
01:41:44     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (18/34, Hickson 54) due to cloud
01:45:45   Camera1 SetPoint SBIG Camera Set Point Temperature Updated (new set point -20°C)
02:04:06     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (19/34, Rose 2) due to other condition
02:11:52 Session Resuming Session resuming
02:12:37   Shutter Opened Shutter opened (opening time 45s)
02:12:40 Session Running Session running
02:12:42   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
02:12:44     Target Started (20/34) Target started (20/34, IC 3074)
02:16:02   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
02:25:38   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:31:19     Target Completed Target partially completed (20/34, IC 3074)
02:31:21     Target Started (21/34) Target started (21/34, Rose 11)
02:33:09       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
02:35:35       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 11)
02:51:23     Target Completed Target completed (21/34, Rose 11)
02:51:50     Target Started (22/34) Target started (22/34, NGC 4774)
02:55:23       Focusing Failed Foc1 Focusing Failed - unable to find a star (TCF-S)
03:02:02   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
03:03:22 Critical Cloud Alert Critical Cloud Alert (Obs.Manager will close the Shutter)
03:03:24   HardSuspend Called Hard Suspend is called due to Critical Conditions (cloud)
03:03:29     Target Aborted (22/34) Target aborted (22/34, NGC 4774) due to cloud
03:03:31   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
03:03:33 Session Suspended Session suspended
03:03:35   Queue Paused Queue pausing for HardSuspend
03:04:22   Shutter Closed Shutter closed (closing time 49s)
03:11:12     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (22/34, NGC 4774) due to other condition
03:15:43 Session Resuming Session resuming
03:16:28   Shutter Opened Shutter opened (opening time 45s)
03:16:30 Session Running Session running
03:16:32   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
03:16:34     Target Started (23/34) Target started (23/34, GCVS CN Leo)
03:19:56       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
03:22:31       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 12)
03:29:43     Target Completed Target completed (23/34, GCVS CN Leo)
03:29:45     Target Started (24/34) Target started (24/34, NGC 4517)
03:32:06       Focusing Failed Foc1 Focusing Failed - star is too dim (TCF-S)
03:39:35   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
03:40:40   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
03:47:56   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (too few stars)
03:49:37     Target Completed Target completed (24/34, NGC 4517)
03:49:39   Queue Paused Queue paused for SoftSuspend
03:49:42 Session Suspended Session suspended
03:50:31   Shutter Closed Shutter closed (closing time 49s)
04:07:58 Session Resuming Session resuming
04:08:43   Shutter Opened Shutter opened (opening time 45s)
04:08:44 Session Running Session running
04:08:46   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
04:08:48     Target Started (25/34) Target started (25/34, SHK 19)
04:16:04     Target Completed Target partially completed (25/34, SHK 19)
04:16:07     Target Started (26/34) Target started (26/34, Rose 18)
04:25:54 Critical Cloud Alert Critical Cloud Alert (Obs.Manager will close the Shutter)
04:25:56   HardSuspend Called Hard Suspend is called due to Critical Conditions (threat of rain)
04:26:02     Target Aborted (26/34) Target aborted (26/34, Rose 18) due to threat of rain
04:26:04   Queue Paused Queue pausing for HardSuspend
04:26:07 Session Suspended Session suspended
04:26:54   Shutter Closed Shutter closed (closing time 49s)
04:31:30     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (26/34, Rose 18) due to wind
04:53:52     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (27/34, Rose 19) due to wind
05:16:14     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (28/34, NGC 5600) due to cloud
05:38:36     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (29/34, IC 1007) due to cloud
06:00:58     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (30/34, NGC 5674) due to wind
06:23:20     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (31/34, SHK 360) due to wind
06:34:46     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (32/34, GCVS R CrB) due to wind
06:43:37     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (33/34, GCVS SS Her) due to other condition
06:48:43 Session Resuming Session resuming
06:49:28   Shutter Opened Shutter opened (opening time 45s)
06:49:31 Session Running Session running
06:49:33   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
06:49:35     Target Started (34/34) Target started (34/34, HIP 87937)
06:55:34     Target Completed Target completed (34/34, HIP 87937)
06:55:37   Queue Completed Job Queue completed
06:55:40 Session Closing Session closing
06:56:33   Shutter Closed Shutter closed (closing time 50s)
06:56:54   Dome Parked Dome parked (parking time 21s)
06:57:11   Telescope Parked Telescope parked (parking time 10s)
06:57:41   Scope Switched Off Telescope Power has been switched off via UPB Powerbox.
06:58:29   Services Stopped Night Services stopped
06:58:31 Session Housekeeping Housekeeping Started (Cleanup FITS, Create Fits Summary, Transfer Files)
06:58:34 Session Finished Session Finished

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Operational Issues (2020-01-26, S746)

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Critical Issues

Major Issues

Minor Issues

Continuous Improvement

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Guiding Performance

Session saw second use of a new chart type that is designed to highlight the varying quality of guiding performance across different parts of the sky.

During the short (0.9 hour) session all 5 guided targets lay in one relatively small patch of sky. Consequently the plot was unable to show the suspected differences between the area west of Meridian (asserted to have worse guiding) and east of Meridian (asserted to have better guiding).  

Best guide run (no.4) has average RMS of 1.2", with 9 other runs wth average RMS in range 1.3 to 1.5"

Target guiding was badly affected by wind / cloud in second half of night, guide runs 11, 14, 16, 17 & 18 were complete failures.
(these were generally in the same sky area as early successful guiding)


- points show the quality of individual guide runs relative to their sky position
- left-hand plot shows Average RMS for all frames, right-hand plots show Average RMS for the Worst Frame or FrameSet


Example of Guiding Performance from Session S746

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