David's Astronomy Pages
Notes - Session 898 (2021-05-22)

Bullet Session Aims & Highlights
 - Observing Result
 - Night Summary Plot
 - Session Event Log
Bullet Operational Issues
  - Critical Issues (0),  Major Issues (1),  Minor Issues (7),  Small Defects (0),  Continuous Improvement (10)
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Session Aims & Highlights (2021-05-22)

Main aims

  1. AstroMain.  Try out AstroMain 3.40, following major refactoring of parts of code connected with plate-solving.  Check out fixes and enhancements. Check for any new issues / introduced bugs.
  2. DeviceHub. Try out version of Device Hub. Check for stability/absence of issues
  3. Guiding.  Collect information to understand the impact of focuser movements & associated change in weight distribution on guiding
  4. Targets. Acquire images of a selection of variable stars, nearby stars, comets & deep sky targets as allowed by time & conditions

Equipment & Software




Summary Plots & Logs

Observing Plan
Observing Result
Dome & Scope Slewing Performance
Slew/Centering Performance
Large errors (red circles) are due to a bug whereby the scope wasn't re-slewed to
the relevant target following session suspension &  near zenith re-focusing
Guiding Performance
Dec Notes :
Run 1 & Run 9 (black) failed due to cloud/lost star.
RA Notes:  Ra guiding (generally yellow) was poorer than normal
Sky Conditions (Locate Frames)
Bugs in AstroMain 3.40 caused incorrect Sky Transparency and Elongation values to be drawn on realtime graphs
(post session graphs are shown for information)
Night Sky Summary Plot
Top axis: Sky Brightness at Zenith (in ADU/s)
Lefthand axis: Local Time (hh LT). Righthand axis: Sun Altitude (degs)
Actual Weather vs Pre-Session Weather Forecast
Session Event Log
Time     Event Detail
23:31:51   Camera1 Connected SBIG Camera Connected (set point -10°C)
23:31:53 Session Created Live Session Created (2021-05-22 S00898, ImageSaveNum: 898001)
23:31:55   Scope Switched On Telescope Power has been switched on via UPB Powerbox.
23:33:07   Services Started Observatory Services started
23:33:09 Observatory (Manual) Observatory placed in Manual Mode
23:40:34   Services Started Observatory Services started
23:41:29   Telescope Connected Telescope Connected (TheSky6)
23:42:22 Observatory (Auto) Observatory placed in Fully-Automated Mode
23:42:24 Session Pending Session pending (2021-05-22)
23:42:26 Session Initiating Session initiating (2021-05-22)
23:42:28   Plan Requested Observing Plan requested from AstroPlan (1.22.1)
23:44:43   Plan Loaded Observing Plan loaded to queue (, Plan ID: 637)
23:44:48   Camera1 Connected SBIG Camera Connected (set point -20°C)
23:44:53   Telescope Connected Telescope Connected (TheSky6)
23:45:03 Session Equilibration Session ready for dome & camera equilibration
23:45:49   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 46s)
23:45:53   Equilibration Started Dome Equilibration started
23:50:25   Equilibration Skipped Dome Equilibration skipped by user
23:50:27 Session Running Session running
23:50:29   Queue Started Observing Queue started (11 targets selected)
23:50:31     Target Started (NrZen) Target started (Focus Field 15, HIP 73454)
23:51:45       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
23:53:26       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 1)
23:53:28     Target Completed Target completed (Focus Field 15, HIP 73454)
23:53:30     Target Started (1/11) Target started (1/11, NGC 3310 w/SN2021gmj)
23:55:15   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
23:56:15     Target Failed Target failed due to cloud (1/11, NGC 3310 w/SN2021gmj)
23:56:17   Queue Paused Queue paused for Session Suspension
23:56:19 Session Suspended Session suspended
23:57:06   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 50s)
00:00:11 Session Resuming Session resuming
00:01:01   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 50s)
00:01:03 Session Running Session running
00:01:05   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
00:01:07     Target Started (NrZen) Target started (Focus Field 15, HIP 73454)
00:01:11   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
00:02:16   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
00:02:18       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
00:03:21   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
00:03:41   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
00:03:55       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 2)
00:03:57     Target Completed Target completed (Focus Field 15, HIP 73454)
00:03:59     Target Started (1/11) Target started (1/11, NGC 3310 w/SN2021gmj)
00:09:29       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
00:11:09       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 3)
00:17:33     Target Completed Target partially completed (1/11, NGC 3310 w/SN2021gmj)
00:17:35     Target Started (2/11) Target started (2/11, GCVS AM CVn)
00:22:15       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
00:24:04       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 4)
00:27:04     Target Completed Target completed (2/11, GCVS AM CVn)
00:27:06     Target Started (3/11) Target started (3/11, UGC 8426 w/AT2021knq)
00:34:05       Focusing Skipped Foc1 focusing skipped - unable to find a star (TCF-S)
00:48:03     Target Completed Target partially completed (3/11, UGC 8426 w/AT2021knq)
00:48:05     Target Started (4/11) Target started (4/11, C/2020 T2 (Palomar))
00:51:34       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
00:53:43       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 5)
01:06:32     Target Completed Target completed (4/11, C/2020 T2 (Palomar))
01:06:34     Target Started (5/11) Target started (5/11, 61 Cyg)
01:12:19       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
01:14:18       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 6)
01:15:42     Target Completed Target completed (5/11, 61 Cyg)
01:15:44     Target Started (6/11) Target started (6/11, GCVS BL Lac)
01:18:56       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
01:21:04       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 7)
01:24:39     Target Completed Target completed (6/11, GCVS BL Lac)
01:24:41     Target Started (7/11) Target started (7/11, AT2021hkn)
01:25:14   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
01:25:39   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
01:27:09   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
01:28:19 Critical Cloud Alert Critical Cloud Alert (Obs.Manager will close the Shutter)
01:28:21   HardSuspend Called Hard Suspend is called due to Critical Conditions (cloud)
01:28:34     Target Aborted (7/11) Target aborted (7/11, AT2021hkn) due to cloud
01:28:36   Queue Paused Queue paused for Session Suspension
01:28:40 Session Suspended Session suspended
01:29:29   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 49s)
01:32:22     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (7/11, AT2021hkn) due to cloud
01:52:14     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (8/11, NGC 7767 w/AT2021kni) due to cloud
02:03:04     Target Cancelled Target cancelled (9/11, HIP 87937) due to cloud
02:04:22 Session Resuming Session resuming
02:05:07   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 45s)
02:05:09 Session Running Session running
02:05:11   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
02:05:13     Target Started (NrZen) Target started (Focus Field 17, HIP 83575)
02:06:22   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:06:39       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
02:08:21       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 8)
02:08:23     Target Completed Target completed (Focus Field 17, HIP 83575)
02:08:25     Target Started (10/11) Target started (10/11, UGC 11177 w/AT2021koq)
02:10:13     Target Failed Target failed due to cloud (10/11, UGC 11177 w/AT2021koq)
02:10:15   Queue Paused Queue paused for Session Suspension
02:10:18 Session Suspended Session suspended
02:11:08   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 50s)
02:13:03 Session Resuming Session resuming
02:13:53   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 50s)
02:13:55 Session Running Session running
02:13:57   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
02:13:59     Target Started (NrZen) Target started (Focus Field 17, HIP 83575)
02:14:01   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:14:28   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:14:33   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:14:47       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
02:14:58   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:15:18   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:15:23   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:16:03   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:16:08   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:16:28   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:16:36       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 9)
02:16:38     Target Completed Target completed (Focus Field 17, HIP 83575)
02:16:40     Target Started (10/11) Target started (10/11, UGC 11177 w/AT2021koq)
02:16:48   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:16:53   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:18:08   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:18:39   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:19:34   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:19:54   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:19:59   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:20:09   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:21:54 Critical Cloud Alert Critical Cloud Alert (Obs.Manager will close the Shutter)
02:21:56   HardSuspend Called Hard Suspend is called due to Critical Conditions (cloud)
02:21:58     Target Aborted (10/11) Target aborted (10/11, UGC 11177 w/AT2021koq) due to cloud
02:22:00   Queue Paused Queue paused for Session Suspension
02:22:02 Session Suspended Session suspended
02:22:49   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 50s)
02:29:30 Session Resuming Session resuming
02:30:20   Dome Opened Dome opened (opening time 50s)
02:30:22 Session Running Session running
02:30:24   Queue Resumed Observing Queue resumed
02:30:26     Target Started (NrZen) Target started (Focus Field 17, HIP 83575)
02:30:28   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:30:30   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:30:45   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:30:59       Focusing Started-Foc1 Foc1 Focusing Started (TCF-S)
02:31:15   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:31:20   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:31:35   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:32:00   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:32:15   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:32:30   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:32:35   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:32:39       Focusing Completed Foc1 AutoFocus Completed (Profile No 10)
02:32:41     Target Completed Target completed (Focus Field 17, HIP 83575)
02:32:43     Target Started (11/11) Target started (11/11, GCVS AM Her)
02:32:45   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:33:00   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:33:05   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:33:10   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:40:51   SoftSuspend Called Soft Suspend is called due to Deteriorating Conditions (reducing clarity)
02:40:56   SoftSuspend Cancelled Soft Suspend is cancelled due to Improved Conditions
02:43:47     Target Completed Target completed (11/11, GCVS AM Her)
02:43:50   Queue Completed Job Queue completed
02:43:53 Session Closing Session closing
02:44:46   Dome Closed Dome closed (closing time 50s)
02:45:24   Dome Parked Dome parked (parking time 31s), Az: 90.0 deg
02:46:26   Telescope Parked Telescope parked (parking time 58s)
02:46:41   Telescope State Scope parked Turn scope off. (Handbox)
02:47:01   Telescope Switched Off Telescope Power has been switched off via UPB Switch.
02:47:53   Services Stopped Night Services stopped
02:47:55 Session Housekeeping Housekeeping Started (Cleanup FITS, Create Fits Summary, Transfer Files)
02:48:06 Session Finished Session Finished
Session Alerts
Time     Alert Detail
23:33:09 Telescope Alert ASCOM Telescope not connnected
23:45:49 Dome Shutter Pulsar Shutter has woken up (fresh data started at 23:45:49, outage 220.1mins)

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Operational Issues (2021-05-22, S898)

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Critical Issues

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Minor Issues

Small Defects

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